How to Obtain Case Information

Automated Voice Case Information System

Case information is available toll free through the Court's automated Voice Case Information System (VCIS).  Call (866)-222-8029

What you need: A touch-tone telephone is the only equipment you need to access VCIS.  This system is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

A case number, complete name, or a social security number/individual taxpayer identification number is required to obtain case information. The information available from the automated system is:

  • Case Number


Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) is a web-based system that allows users with an internet connection and a PACER account to view or print case documents online.  A fee of .10 cents is charged for each page viewed. PACER user fees that do not exceed $30 in a quarterly billing cycle are waived in accordance with the Electronic Public Access Fee Schedule.  To sign up for a PACER account, register at 

General Access to Bankruptcy Case Documents - Open and Closed Cases


Documents in cases filed from January 1998 to present are available in electronic form and can be obtained directly from:

Certified Copies of Bankruptcy Documents

In order to obtain a certified copy of a bankruptcy document, you must have both the bankruptcy case number and the docket number of the document to be certified.

1.  Locating Case Information:

How to Locate Bankruptcy Case Number:

  • Bankruptcy case numbers can be obtained toll free through the Court's automated Multi-Court Voice Case Information System (McVCIS) at (866) 222-8029, from calling the Clerk's office at 401-626-3100, ext. 0, or from a public access terminal in the Bankruptcy Clerk's  office.

How to Locate Case Document (Docket) Number: