NextGen CM/ECF Information

NextGen CM/ECF is LIVE 

On October 4, 2021, the Court converted its Case Management/Electronic Case Filing (CM/ECF) system to the Next Generation CM/ECF (NextGen) system.  To file using the NextGen CM/ECf system, review/follow the instructions below.

New: Conversion Training VideoThe Court has prepared a short NextGen conversion training video that outlines the steps to be taken by current ECF filers to file in the NextGen CM/ECF system.  We strongly encourage all electronic filers and their staffs to review this video and take the required upgrade steps and perform the linkage on October 4th.  Please call the Clerk's office if you have questions:  (401) 626-3100.

Benefits of NextGen for the CM/ECF Filer

NextGen simplifies electronic filing by combining your CM/ECF and PACER accounts into a single Central Sign-On account. Through the PACER website, this single Central Sign-On account gives registered filers access to view documents in PACER and electronically file in all NextGen Courts in which they have permission to file. IMPORTANT:  You must still utilize your original CM/ECF login for each court that is not yet on the NextGen system

IMPORTANT PDF Functionality Requirements in NextGen Release 1.6 - PLEASE READ --  These requirements must be followed or the e-filing system may reject your document.


Need E-Filing Privileges

Attorneys and limited access filers that do not currently have e-filing privileges with the Rhode Island Bankruptcy Court, see CM/ECF Training and Registration.

E-Filers with Existing PACER Accounts

If you already have an individual PACER account, and it was issued prior to August 11, 2014, the account will need to be upgraded for NextGen compatibility. Please review these instructions on how to upgrade your PACER account, or view our quick instructional video.

E-Filers without Existing PACER Accounts

If you do not have an individual PACER account, you will need to register for a new account through PACER Services. Each attorney/limited user must have his/her own individual PACER account. Shared PACER accounts will no longer be useable once the Court converts to NextGen.

Group Billing PACER Access Fees

Since individual PACER accounts will now be required, firms may set up a PACER Administrative Account to help manage attorney/limited user accounts and have those individual accounts centrally billed for PACER access fees. View instructions on how to set up a PACER Administrative Account (PAA).

Chapter 7 and Chapter 11 Subchapter V Trustees with Existing Filing Capabilities

Your existing “legacy” trustee PACER account (issued prior to August 11, 2014), must be upgraded for NextGen compatibility. Please review these instructions on how to upgrade your PACER account. If you also have an existing Attorney CM/ECF account, you must have a separate individual PACER account. With NextGen, there is a one-to-one relationship between PACER accounts and CM/ECF accounts. Please review these instructions on how to create an individual PACER account that you will link to your existing Attorney CM/ECF account on or after October 4, 2021.

Chapter 13 Trustees with Existing Filing Capabilities

Your existing “legacy” trustee PACER account (issued prior to August 11, 2014), must be upgraded for NextGen capability. Please review these instructions on how to upgrade your PACER account.

Filing Agents

Any employee of an attorney or trustee who has a Filing Agent account in CM/ECF must register for their own individual PACER account. If you also have an existing Attorney CM/ECF account, you must have a separate individual PACER account. With NextGen, there is a one-to-one relationship between PACER accounts and CM/ECF accounts. Please review this site for instructions on how to create an individual PACER account that you will link to your existing Attorney CM/ECF account on or after October 4, 2021.

Click here for additional Filing Agent instructions.

Paralegals for the US Trustee

Paralegals who e-file in CM/ECF on behalf of the US Trustee MUST become Filing Agents. To become a Filing Agent, first register for an individual PACER account, then or or after October 4, 2021, follow these instructions.


Current E-Filers: What to do on or after October 4, 2021

You must take this step after the Court converts to NextGen on October 4, 2021, and it must be completed before you can file documents in NextGen CM/ECF.

FINAL STEP:  Link your individual PACER account to your existing CM/ECF account.

To file documents all current E-filers who had filing privileges with our Court before October 4, 2021, must link their existing E-filing account with their upgraded Individual PACER account. See these instructions on how to link your CM/ECF account to your Individual PACER account and watch the conversion training video for linkage demonstration.

Filings Agents: to become a filing agent after the Court is live on NextGen, follow these instructionsPARALEGALS who e-file on behalf of the US Trustee MUST become Filing Agents.