United States Bankruptcy Court
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Unclaimed Funds Search Engine
Choose ONE of the following methods of searching
You can either search all Unclaimed Funds, or specify case number, creditor and/or debtor name.
[SEARCH Unclaimed Funds (national)]
REQUEST PAYMENT: To request payment of unclaimed funds you are owed, file an application with the Court using the required forms listed below. A request for unclaimed funds must be filed in compliance with the Director's Form B 1340 Application for Payment of Unclaimed Funds.
Please refer to the Instructions for Filing an Application for Payment of Unclaimed Funds for detailed information and steps.
Click below to access national forms to seek recovery of unclaimed funds, and file with the Court:
Application for Payment of Unclaimed Funds
Proposed Order for Payment of Unclaimed Funds
Notice of Unclaimed Funds Response Deadline and Certificate of Service
Form AO213P -- Payee Information, TIN Certification