ePOC - Electronic Filing of Proof of Claim

Creditors, Attorneys and Parties in Interest may file Proofs of Claim electronically through the Court website without being a registered ECF User.
Do not wait until the deadline for filing proof of claims to file your claim! The Court will not back date claims and if you experience a problem using this program to file a proof of claim, call (401-626-3100) or email the Clerk's office immediately.
The name and complete address of the creditor must appear on the claim form. If an attorney is filing the claim on behalf of a creditor, the attorney must also enter his name and address. The name and title, if any, of the person authorized to file the claim is also required on the claim form.
Types of Claim Actions Which Can Be Filed Electronically Without a Login and Password:
Proof of Claim for all chapters
- Withdrawal of Claims
- Attachments required by FRBP 3001(c)(1) and (d) may be filed as a supplement to an already filed claim by the holder of a claim secured by a security interest in the debtor's principal residence. See also FRBP 3002(c)(7)(B) and LBR 3002-1(d). The filer must also attach Local Form 3002-1.1: Certification of Supplemental Proof of Claim Documents to the supplement. Failure to attach local form 3002-1.1 to the PDF supplement will result in a corrective action requiring re-filing.
NOTE: All Chapter 7 cases are initially treated as No Asset until a trustee determines there are assets available for distribution. Therefore, creditors in Chapter 7 cases should wait to file a claim until they receive notice to do so.
Claim Actions That Can Not be Filed Electronically through Court Website:
- Assignments or Transfers of Claim
These actions may only be filed electronically through the Court's ECF Filing system (which requires a login and password), or may be filed with the Clerk's office by mail or in person and must include the fee for transferring a claim.