Electronic Case Filing (ECF) Live System
NextGen ECF is a comprehensive electronic case management system which allows courts to accept filings electronically and provides access to filed documents over the Internet. Use the ECF link to file your court documents, get current information on cases, or review other case related material.
Registration: In order to file documents electronically with the Court, attorneys (and limited access filers) must first register online. Please visit our NextGen CM/ECF webpage page for complete registration details.
Pacer Access: Although there are no additional fees for filing documents over the Internet using ECF, existing document filing fees still apply. Electronic access to court data will be available through the Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) program at the current rate. ECF Users receive one free look at documents filed electronically in their cases and can print and download the documents at that time. For more information regarding these and other fees related to PACER access, please visit the PACER website.
ECF Support: Please refer to the Electronic Filer User Manual and the ECF registration page for additional information. Questions may be directed to the Help Desk at 401-626-3100 or via email at rib_helpdesk@rib.uscourts.gov.