Attorney Handbook
This handbook is intended to provide the public and the bar of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island with information needed to conduct business with the court. We hope that this reference guide will answer any questions that you may have concerning such areas as preparation of documents, electronic filing, clerk’s office deficiency processes, court contact information and basic court procedures. We believe that this handbook, when used in conjunction with the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure, the Local Rules and Forms of the Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island and the Electronic Filer User Manual will not only be beneficial to those already familiar with the court, but also to the paralegals, administrative assistants, and self-represented litigants who have had little or no contact with the federal court system. Although we have made every effort to provide the most current and accurate information possible, if there is any conflict between this handbook and the Local or Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure, then the Rules shall govern.